One little boy on his way to school nobody likes him cause he's not cool!

Idag, kära läsare, så har jag varit på äventyr!!

Jag har fightats mot drakar, troll och diverse ponnys!

Fast, nu ljög jag, igen... Jag har inte gjort så mycket vettigt alls, skulle åka till mamma och fixa med bilen lite, men så blev det inte, så jag städade ur bilen på parkeringen här hemma istället. Den ska besiktigas imorgon nämligen, DAM DAM DAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! kommer gå åt helvete.

Snart ska jag laga mat! Så nu skriver jag inget mer om idag!

Här kommer en del till av min super awesome historia.

The Tale Of The Hungry
Del, eeh.. 5?

At this point, I was so hungry that I could eat almost anything, and so I did.
I found some half-rotten lettuce on the ground, not far from where I was attacked. I figured I must be near the veggie drawer… Anyway, I ate the lettuce and went on with my journey.

Besides the pain, things now started to look better for me, I had food in my stomach, a knife in my pocket and a spear in my hand.

I know, the quest was to find food… But c’mon, lettuce? Yeah right.

I was really craving some bacon, godly crispy bacon… I know I had it, in here somewhere, I remember buying it the day before.  I just can’t remember where I had put it.

Moving on… I found a carton full of rotten eggs, “awesome! I can make armor out of this” and so I did.

Armor, weapons, stinking fur-coat… Could things be any better? Yeah well, I now had a new quest.
I needed to keep walking towards the light. I needed to find the bacon, as it was the only eatable piece of food in this junk of a fridge.

The disgusting stench of the pizza-monster finally started to wear off, but then I started to feel that strange presence again, something was following me, hiding in the shadows casted by the various pieces of moldy crap lying on the ground here and there…

Suddenly I got slapped again, by the same sticky cold thing as before, this time it hit me in the neck.
I made a quick barrel roll to the left and saw the “creature” that had been lurking for so long.
Could it be!? A sticky clod of spaghetti, hovering above the ground.
This was strange… The spaghetti-monster did not attack me, so I decided to just ignore it and move on.

For some reason, it kept on following me wherever I went… The only thing it did, was slapping me randomly from time to time. It was kinda disturbing at first, but I got used to it.

To be continued some other time...

Detta, kära vänner, är så långt jag kommit på denna historia, så ni får vänta tills jag skrivit klart skiten, vilket kan dröja nåt år, eller mer.




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